Let us Learn about the New Wig for African Women, the Kinky Edges Wig, and Two Iconic Wigs of Luvme Hair: the Lace Frontal Wig and the Headband Wig Human Hair

Luvme Hair is proud of offering a new line of wigs for African women. We call these wigs Afros Inspired Wigs and aim to reflect the characteristics of African women’s hair on our wigs. One of the subseries of our Afros Inspired wigs is the Kind Edges wig. Our older wigs, the lace frontal wigs and headband wig, are already liked and praised by women. In this article, let us give you more information about these three wigs.
Table of Content
1. What are Kinky Edges
2. What are Kinky Edges Wigs
3. How to Leave out Kinky Edges with your Kinky Edges Wig
4. What is a Lace Frontal Wig in Short
5. How to Adjust the Lace of Lace Frontal Wigs
6. Installing a Lace Frontal Wig with a Similar Color to Your Natural Hair
7. Installing a Lace Frontal Wig with a Different Color from Your Natural Hair
8. Some Practical Information on the Headband Wig Human Hair
The African style is mostly associated with braids and kinky hair. With this in mind, we design three special wigs for African women. One of these wigs is the Kinky Edges wig.
1. What are Kinky Edges?
African Women’s hair is prone to be kinky. We basically categorize hair textures under four headings.
- Straight hair
- Wavy Hair (or Type 2)
- Curl Hair (or Type 3)
- Kinky Hair (or Type 4)
Kinky hair is dense, highly spiral and coily. We can further divide kinky hair into three subcategories as fine kinky hair (type 4A), medium kinky hair (type 4B) and coarse kinky hair (type 4C). Fine kinky hair is in an S shape, medium kinky hair is in a Z shape and coarse kinky hair is in a tight zig-zag shape. With kinky hair, your hair looks fluffy. This hair texture enables you to have long, strong and voluminous hair.
On the other hand, leaving out some baby hair or edges is a deep-rooted practice among black women. Beginning from the 1990s, this practice became a popular trend after some celebrities used baby hair.
To sum up, kinky edges mean leaving out some baby hair that has a kinky texture. This style is widely preferred by African women.
2. What are Kinky Edges Wigs?
Kinky edges wigs allow for leaving out baby hair in the kinky texture regardless of the main texture of your wig. These wigs readily have edges that have a kinky texture, and you can easily achieve kinky edges by following some easy steps.
3. How to Leave out Kinky Edges
Let us show how to leave out kinky edges on a lace front wig.
- The wig has some edges in the front. The edges are already pre-plucked, so you do not have to pluck them.
- Place the wig on a wig head. Comb back the hairs of the wig thoroughly so the baby hair and hairs can become fully apart.
- Cut and adjust the lace in accordance with your natural hair.
- Clean your forehead with alcohol and put on the wig.
- To secure the edges on your forehead, place a headscarf on them and remove the headscarf 15 minutes later.
- Make the final adjustment using baby hair brush.
Now, it is time to give some practical information on the lace frontal wig.
4. What is a Lace Frontal Wig in Short?
These wigs have lace built into the cap with hairs individually tied in. As a result, when you wear these wigs, it looks like hairs are growing out of your scalp. In that way, you have an invisible and realistic look.
5. How to Adjust the Lace of Lace Frontal Wigs
There is extra frontal lace on your wig, which you have to cut. So, cut the lace using scissors as close as possible to your hairline. While doing this, do not hurry and cut the lace carefully. You can use a white wig cap for this transaction.
6. Installing a Lace Frontal Wig with a Similar Color to Your Natural Hair
When it is the case, you can use your natural hair as baby hair for a more realistic look. To do this, part your natural hair as the wig and put on a wig cap but leave out some of your natural hair. Put on the wig and adjust the leave-out hair as baby hair and then secure the wig onto the rest of your natural hair using the clips of the wig. For extra security, you can also use some hairpins. In the end, style the wig and baby hair as you wish.
7. Installing a Lace Frontal Wig with a Different Color from Your Natural Hair
Cover all of your natural hair with a wig cap. Chose a wig cap similar to your skin color. Put on your wig and secure it using the clips on it. Apply some glue under the lace along with your hairline. Stick the lace onto your skin using this glue. In the end, style the wig as you wish.
8. Some Practical Information on the Headband Wig Human Hair The headband wig human hair is another iconic wig of Luvme Hair. This wig is made from 100 % human hair and high-quality materials. You can easily attach these wigs to your hair using the combs on it. And, you can easily secure the wig using its elastic headband. You can place different headbands on the wig’s headband each time you wear your wig to spice up your look. These wigs are super easy to use and beginner friendly.